Policies for ChicagoColorectalSymposium.com
Your use of this website implies your agreeing to all the policies in full. Below are the official policies of this web site. Read them carefully, so you know what to expect from this service. If you need to make special arrangements, contact us.
Copyright, Servicemark and Trademark Notice
This site is protected by United States and international intellectual property laws and treaties. Violation of these laws may result in both felonious and civil offenses, subject to fines, imprisonment and civil damages. Prosecution can be both by federal authorities and civil attorneys. Be aware that the government of the United States views breaking intellectual property laws as a crime against the People of the United States and may enforce these laws irrespective of any suit brought by the intellectual property holder.
ChicagoColorectalSymposium.com™ is a trademark of Chicago Colorectal Symposium. Other servicemarks and trademarks may apply. This site and all contents:
- Copyright © 2014-present by Chicago Colorectal Symposium.
- All rights reserved. Use, reproduction or modification is strictly prohibited except as noted herein.
- You may use the information on this site:
- For personal use only.
- Internet search engines may index pages on this site for the sole purpose of providing links to this site.
- No other uses are permitted.
- Do not copy any information from this site to another site or to another computer.
- Do not publish information found on this site.
- Do not make derivative works from the information found on this site.
- Do not use this site to do research.
- You may post a link on another site to any page on this site,
provided the page on this website to which you link:
- Has the domain name of this website clearly displayed at the top of the page, and
- Has a Chicago Colorectal Symposium copyright notice with a link to this page.
- Materials not owned by Chicago Colorectal Symposium are the property of their copyright, servicemark and trademark holders.
- Exceptions to this copyright notice must be by expressed, written consent of Chicago Colorectal Symposium.
- Contact us if you have special needs.
Email policy
See below for complete email policy details.
If you inapproriately received an email from us, we apologize for the inconvenience. We respect all removal requests.
Click here to be removed from the email list for ChicagoColorectalSymposium.com or other lists.
Click here to be added to the email list for ChicagoColorectalSymposium.com or other lists.
Contact us with questions or problems regarding our policies.
Email Policy Terms
- Definitions
- Systems - software, hardware, information, methods, personnel, etc. comprising this site
- User - person or organization using the Systems
- Vendor - Chicago Colorectal Symposium, employees, agents, subcontractors, representatives and assigns
- Purpose of this Email Policy. Over the last number of years, unsolicited email has created trouble for many people, and so spawned laws and policies attempting to alleviate the problems. The purpose of this Email Policy is to see that the Vendor complies with the applicable laws and policies of governing bodies and service providers.
- Compliance. The Vendor believes the policies herein are in compliance with all applicable laws. The Vendor believes these policies are in compliance with all Terms of Use policies of all applicable service providers.
- Legitimate Emails. The Vendor only sends emails that comply with applicable law. All the information in the email is legitimate. The Vendor clearly identifies the email is sent from the Vendor, and accurately identifies the purpose of the email in the subject line.
- Removal. Users can remove their email addresses from our email lists in at least one or more ways, which include replying to an email, sending to an email address, calling a phone number, clicking a link, filling out a web form or mailing to a postal address. Removed email addresses are not added to any other lists and are not shared with any other parties.
- Postings. Removal from a list does not affect contact information in postings. For example, if the User's email address is listed as the contact for a posting (such as an event or organization), the User may be sent emails in regards to the posting. If the User does not want to receive emails in regards to postings, the User must not list their email address as a contact.
- Explicit Authorization Given by Users. The User, by emailing the Vendor or posting information on Vendor websites, explicitly establishes a relationship with the Vendor. This is simply restating applicable laws. Since Users are voluntarily providing the Vendor information, all Users explicitly grant the Vendor authorization to contact any email addresses found in the information.
Privacy Policy
On this website, information that may be Personally Identifiable to you and not in the public domain, in other words, information that you may want to keep private, may be collected by one of two groupings of parties.
- By our organization, which includes this website and other websites or systems owned by us. The privacy policy for information gathered by our organization is listed below.
- By other organizations that may run services on this website and other websites or systems owned by us, such as analytic providers that collect statistics about website usage, one example being Google. The privacy policy for information gathered by other organizations as it pertains to our websites and systems is listed below the next large header.
Information We Collect Directly from You that is Personally Identifiable and Not in the Public Domain. In Other Words, Information You May Want to Keep Private
This is the type of information we collect directly from you that may be Personally Identifiable to you and not in the public domain, in other words, information you may want to keep private:
- Name and email address - provided by you for registration to receive our free newsletters
- Name, email address and possibly postal address, phone number and credit card information - provided by you when purchasing our products
- Passwords - we may give you or you may make up to access our systems
- Demographic and other information - you may optionally give us
- Web browser information - information coming from your web browser
There are too many contigencies to list every possible use and exception. As a general principle, information that we collect from you that is Personally Identifiable to you and that is not in the public domain, in other words, information you may want to keep private, is used for the purposes of this business only and not sold or given away to other businesses under normal circumstances.
Security Caution
Warning: Security is minimal. Do not provide information to us that you cannot afford being stolen.
Information that we collect from you that is Personally Identifiable to you and that is not in the public domain, in other words, information you may want to keep private, we may store on a shared server on the internet, on our private computers, on external backup hard drives, in other providers systems, or on other media or devices, owned or not owned by us. In many cases, the information is not encrypted.
What this means to you is that normally we do not intentionally make this information accessible to others, but we do not take extra security precautions to protect this information. If someone accesses elements of our systems without our permission, that person could gain access to information you may want to keep private.
Therefore, you should not provide any information to us that you want to keep private and secure. Any information you provide to us, could be made public if someone breached our minimal security.
Information We Do Not Collect Directly from You Or that is Not Personally Identifiable Or is in the Public Domain
Information that we do not collect directly from you, or that is not Personally Identifiable to you, or that is in the public domain we may use for any legal purpose.
Privacy Policy for Other Organizations
This privacy policy pertains to other organizations that may run services on this website and other websites or systems owned by us, such as analytic providers that collect statistics about website usage, one example being google.
Information Others Collect Directly from You that is Personally Identifiable and Not in the Public Domain
In Other Words, Information You May Want to Keep Private
We use other service providers, as do countless other websites, to provide various services, such as statistical reporting, payment processing, web hosting, internet connectivity and many other services. As an example, some providers are Google and Paypal. We do not own those other services and do not promise you any level of privacy protection for those services.
According to Google on this page https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2700409?hl=en&utm_id=ad
"You will not facilitate the merging of personally-identifiable information with non-personally identifiable information collected through any Google advertising product or feature unless you have robust notice of, and the user's prior affirmative (i.e., opt-in) consent to, that merger."
We do not vouch for Google or any other service provider and do not promise that Google or other service providers statements are true.
Here are options you may use to opt out of information gathering from various other organizations:
Security Caution
Warning: Do not provide information to us that you cannot afford being stolen.
We make no promises to you about protecting information that others collect from you that is Personally Identifiable to you and that is not in the public domain, in other words, information you may want to keep private.
What this means to you is that, while we believe these other services are legitimate, we do not take extra security precautions to protect this information. If someone accesses elements of the systems of these other service providers, that person could gain access to information you may want to keep private.
Therefore, you should not provide any information to us that you want to keep private and secure. Any information you provide to us, could be made public if someone breached the security of these other service providers, or if these other service providers behaved unfaithfully.
Terms of use
- Definitions
- Systems - software, hardware, information, methods, personnel, etc. comprising this site
- User - person or organization using the Systems
- Vendor - Chicago Colorectal Symposium, employees, agents, subcontractors, representatives and assigns
- No Guarantees. The Vendor makes no guarantees, nor warrantees, nor any other promises, nor commitments of any kind, neither expressed, nor implied, neither verbal, nor written, nor by email, nor posting on the Internet, nor by any other means. This paragraph takes precedence over any other portion of this document and this website. Other paragraphs in this document serve to emphasize these points and further inform the User. No other paragraph makes any commitment of any kind. The sole exceptions being: (a) explicit, signed, written agreements, and (b) explicit, written guarantees for purchased products.
- No Remedies. In no event will the Vendor be liable to the User for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, lost time, emotional distress, extra costs, or any other kind of incidental or consequential damages. Under no circumstances will the User seek to recover any amounts from the Vendor, except for refunds for amounts paid by the User and received by the Vendor for the specific services under dispute.
- Indemnification. User agrees to defend, indemnify, save and hold Vendor harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable attorneys' fees, asserted against Vendor, its agents, its Users, servants, officers and employees, that may arise from the User's use of Vendor's service.
- Legal Information and Activities. The User will only provide information that is legal under U.S. and international laws, and the laws of countries in which that information is used.
- Vendor Sole Discretion. The Vendor, at its sole discretion, at any time, without notice, nor consideration for any party, may arbitrarily make any changes the Vendor desires, including terminating a User's account.
- User Restrictions. The User must conform to restrictions imposed by the Vendor. The purpose of the restrictions are to protect the performance and integrity of the Systems, as well as the User, Vendor and general public. If the User violates any restrictions, the Vendor, without notice, may disable the User’s account immediately.
- User Good Faith. The User must use the Systems in good faith and not seek to harm the Systems in any way. The User must not attempt to misrepresent themselves, nor mislead the Vendor, nor other Users, nor the public, through any means, nor attempt to undermine the security or integrity of the Systems in any way, nor attempt to access information, software or features which are not intended for the User's use.
- User Will Not Attempt to Circumvent. The User will not attempt to circumvent the intent of the Systems, and will pay for any features used through circumvention. For example, listing the User's email or website requires fee-based membership. The User will not enter their email or website in another field to avoid incurring the membership fee. Similarly, publicizing nationwide or worldwide requires fee-based membership. The User will not enter the same event over and over again in each area to avoid incurring fees for publicizing nationwide and worldwide.
- Appropriate Information. The User will only enter information appropiate to the Systems. For example, the User will only enter event information in the event form. An example of inappropriate information would be advertising products for sale in the event listing.
- Password Confidentiality. The User will protect the confidentiality of password protected and limited access areas of the Vendor’s Systems. The User will not share passwords with other people.
- Non-Competitive Use. The User will not use the Systems, nor allow the Systems to be used by others, for the benefit of a competitive product.
- Information Solely Owned By Vendor. All information provided by the User to the Vendor is the sole property of the Vendor without restrictions.
- Public Information. Due to the public nature of the Internet, all information provided by the User to the Vendor is potentially publicly accessible. The Vendor, at its sole discretion, chooses all the particulars of distributing and withholding the information.
- Loss of Information. The Vendor is not responsible should loss of information occur. The User is responsible for preserving the User's data. The User must take needed precautions to protect against loss of the User's information, such as making backups on the User's own systems.
- Excessive Use. The User will not take any actions that may put an excessive strain on the Systems without the Vendor’s prior approval. The User will not use automated programs to access information on the Systems. Internet search engines may use automated programs to index pages for the sole purpose of providing links to this site.
Policy Changes
Policies may change at any time. Updates to these policies will be posted here, with no other notice.